How many of the 8 million are PIMO? The coercion with family and friends keeps lots of us in the count
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
"Do You think that 8 million are being deceived?" Ways to answer this?
by BottleGate_ inmine is : jws preach that the entire population of the earth has been deceived ..
meeting attendance
by asp59 inhow much has meeting attendance gone down say the last 10-15 years at khs do you think?
in percentage.
road to nowhere
There are more using phones too. Old people cant sit in economy chairs, drive in the dark, get up and around in morning, or need their nap in the afternoon. Not that i cant nap at meeting. LOL
We were instructed locally to count every newborn, and used to cross off and change the number if a straggler came in for the last 3 minutes of the talk.
by JimmyYoung ini am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue.
that its a myth the idea of overpopulation.
i was listening to a talk radio speaker ben shapiro i like to as i work through the day.
road to nowhere
Overpopulation always corrects itself. The sad fact is those least able to care for population are the mosf prolific. We need to increase the internet to give these people better recreation choices
The Faithful and Discreet Slave Just "have" The Truth
by Number 6 inin the late 80's when i was in my late teens i used to with my then wife to be attend a monday night pre-watchtower study at a local elders house.. this guy was revered as very knowledgable and he was scholarly and interesting to listen to; so at the time it was a genuinely enjoyable monday evening spent with oftentimes discussion would veer far of the subject at hand and lasting to well after 11pm some evenings.. this particular night, the subject up for discussion was "the faithful and discreet slave" and how we should be obeying them without question.
right in the middle of the study this elder said as a question not in the wt article; "how do we really know the current fds as lead by the governing body are the real deal.
i mean what actual proof do we have?".
road to nowhere
Just look where you learned all the " true" things......according to themselves
Has Anything Really Changed For JWs In The Last 10 Years?
by minimus in2020 is days away.
has anything really changed for the witnesses or the religion?
road to nowhere
The end is only minutes away. ( since it is 105 years it must be close ( or wrong)). The fewer congregations are more crowded. The health of elderky us more pronounced.
There still are not enough brothers stepping up. But the ones who do are meaner. Yiu see fewer youngsters at assemblies.
There is more apathy but noone can admit it
What Will Happen To President Trump In Your Opinion?
by minimus inhe has been “impeached “.
will he be convicted in the senate?
is he so “damaged goods” that he is ineffectual?
road to nowhere
Trump will go down as shaking up the establishment. He is not as smart as he thinks himself, is abrasive, and anyone who thinks he is a messiah isnt thinking. High crimes would be murder, theft, or such, misdemeanors is murkier but every politician seems to be crooked and on the take.
BUT if the dems win hang on to your hat. Severe curtailment of freedoms, even the ownership of private cars. Higher taxes because someone has to pay for all the free stuff. It will be extreme overreach.
I am half afraid to start on Virginia and the coming things there. That deserves a new posting and few if any will be dissuaded from their current thinking.
Police and Fire Department Officials in Guatemala Benefit From Bible-Based Workshops
by TheFadingAlbatros in
i am surprised that a government authority is calling on a religious organization to give their police and fire department officials instructions to behave in a better way with the guatemalan population.
the organization of jehovah's witnesses is well known to separate families (shunning) and have in the past protected numerous pedophiles within their organization ( maybe they are still doing it now somewhere in secret, who knows ?
road to nowhere
"How to properly use authority?" They should have left out the properly. -
Worldly holidays
by road to nowhere inif they announce anything any more ( my hall doesnt even announce funerals, only judicial stuff and letters from mom) they say something like: "tomorrow is a worldly holiday so..... ".
we all know it is christmas or whatever.
and most of us do have a day off, ( needed) the smart ones who are able will work for the double time and fewer bosses around.
road to nowhere
If they announce anything any more ( my hall doesnt even announce funerals, only judicial stuff and letters from mom) they say something like: "Tomorrow is a worldly holiday so..... ". We all know it is Christmas or whatever. And most of us do have a day off, ( needed) the smart ones who are able will work for the double time and fewer bosses around
The Craziness of an Average Bible Study
by Number 6 inlast week i posted a thread asking about who knew any "real anointed" and got some cracking replies.. that got me to thinking, as someone brought up in the 70's and 80's in the watchtower religion, my experience of bible studeis in their homes and those who made it to the hall were mostly batshit crazy or at least people with some serious quirks.. i'll relate a few, none of whose names i remember with any clarity.. in our cong we had an older couple who were from london, but who had been in the 1950's in the circuit work in the mid west usa.
they brought along some woman one night they had started a study with who told everyone cheerfully she was a recovering alcoholic and this was her cure (coming to the meetings).
this went on for a few weeks until one night they brought her to the memorial and she was royally pissed, and i mean barely able to stand; and went up to the platform table and necked some wine.
road to nowhere
In the past 20 or 30 years i can remember only 3 "normal " people, a couple who came in, their children didnt stay in, and a young single man. The others are mentally off or were fairly normal but coerced by wives, usually after the wife is reinstated.
wt religion protection racket
by waton inlast week's study (october wt, page 23), par 10:.
abigail and david.
david and his fellow outlaws protected the nabal family's flocks no doubt with daily support (how else would these fugitives make a living?
road to nowhere
I am almost jealous of David's conquests; the animal side of myself. The other has sympathy for his victims, especially Abishag.
Since Rutherford has any of the biggies scored? I gather a couple got their boys